Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What it looks like when an app gets pushed to you

When an app is "pushed" out to your iPad or other mobile device, you need to click INSTALL and enter in your Apple ID password in order to download the app.

Other than five or six apps our instructional technology department believes all teachers absolutely need to live, we will only push out purchased apps through this system. All other useful free apps to use in your classrooms will be shared with you via email, this blog, and twitter to reach as many people as possible!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

My Script Calculator

I am super excited to share a FREE app I just found, My Script Calculator.  You hand write a math problem and this app will recognize your annotations and change it into text and solve for you. You can even write the answer and it will solve for the variable (?).  Super cool!

10 Tips for Teachers Using Evernote

I want to share a post from a teacher on Evernote's blog for 10 tips on using Evernote in education.

Evernote Blog | 10 Tips for Teachers Using Evernote – Education Series:

Student responses using any device

An extremely easy student response website that works from any iPad, computer, or cell phone with internet.

Check out or watch a 45 second demo on how it works. Only the teacher needs a Socrative account, students simply go to the website and enter in the 'room number' that the teacher gets with their account.

Students go to the website, enter in a five digit number that has been assigned to that teacher, and can respond in real-time to questions asked in class. Feedback is instant on the teacher side.

*Note: Socrative has iOS Apps for both Students and Teachers, but the website seems to work the same without Apps.

Desmos Graphing Calculator

Graphing website that works on both iPad & Computer!

Desmos Graphing Calculator:

Lock an iPad in One App - Share iPad with students more confidently

Sharing your iPad with students can be scary when you have your school email, notes, and other private information you don't want your students to see.

With the most recent update to iOS 6.1, you can now lock your screen in one app. You can even lock part of the screen to keep students from accessing a particular button. Apple is calling this feature Guided Access and is something you can turn on in Settings > General > Accessibility > Guided Access.

iOS: About Guided Access