Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year, Your Ideas: Working with iMovie

Creating your first project
  1. Move around to get into pairs (physically move!)
  2. Open the CAMERA app to record video
    1. Make sure the camera is on video mode
  3. Your task is to 
    1. Record your partner while they explain how a specific object in a classroom is positively impacting the learning environment. 
    2. Record your partner while they tell a short story (less than one minute) about what they did during holiday break. 
  4. LEAVE the media center, but be back in 10.5 minutes
Put your video together

  • Add video clips to your "Project"
  • Shorten/lengthen clips
  • Add titles
  • Add music
  • Add a still picture from the internet to support the short story  (WHAT?!?!)
  • ....whatever you can think up
iMovie Resources
Apple's iMovie "Get answers fast" page

Sharing your movies 

  1. Create YouTube Channel
  2. "Share" video to YouTube

iPad Cheat Sheet
iPad Cheat Sheet - Tips, Tricks & Things to Remember
Modified iPad Cheat Sheet - Google Doc version for you to save/edit